
For more details/ pictures of each item of the uniform, please see below.
All uniform is available at supermarkets or from the uniform shop, Academia Schoolwear, 11a Edward Street, BD4 7BH 01274 735527
Frequently Asked Questions:
1. Does my child have to wear a jumper with a logo?
The short answer is no. As long as your child is wearing a navy jumper that is ok.
2.My child has grown out of their uniform but it's still in good condition. Do school recycle uniform?
School would be happy to help you 're-home' your unwanted uniform. We work closely with Shine at St.Stephen's church to find new homes for lots of uniform. Please do get in touch with school.
3.My child is in receipt of Pupil Premium, what does this mean for uniform?
As a school we offer a bespoke voucher scheme for school uniform. Please get in touch with the school office if you want any further information.
New PE Kit

In response to Parental Feedback we have simplified our PE Kit. We have chosen items which are readily available from Supermarkets and as such are cheaper to purchase. Trainers do not need to be a specific brand.
Lost Property and Uniform Swap Shop
We do operate a Lost Property system in school. However, we tend to find that if you put your child's name in everything, lost property is not required. We can reunite your child with any items of clothing if they have their name in them.
Equally, if you have any uniform at home which your child has grown out of, please do bring them in to school. We will be able to use them in our Uniform Swap shop at the end of each term.