Writing Curriculum
If all of those skills weren't enough, children also have to have the transcription skills required to write their piece. Children are taught handwriting regularly to ensure their presentation is of the highest quality.
To prepare them for the world of work, children are also given regular opportunities to word process their work so that they also develop typing skills.
Writing is a complex skill for children to develop. It involves the ability to use a variety of skills and understanding at the same time.
Composition is the ability to decide what to write. It involves an understanding of the kind of writing you are doing e.g. a story, a letter etc. as well as an awareness of who will be reading the letter i.e. is it a formal piece of writing, or is it for your friends.
It also involves children using a wide range of vocabulary to make their piece of writing interesting and engaging.
Grammar and Punctuation:
When you've thought about what to write, you then have to think about how to write it so that is grammatically correct. This includes past and present tense, sentence punctuation, speech marks and so much more.
While you're thinking about all of the above, you then have to think about how to spell each of the words. This is underpinned by the work children do in Phonics in Early Years and Key Stage One but continues to be taught as children move in to Key Stage Two.
The Three Phase Cycle:
Phase One
Phase One is an opportunity for children to explore the genre they are going to be writing. By exposing children to high quality written work, they are given a model from which they begin to develop an understanding of how to write their own piece.
During this phase children also 'magpie' key vocabulary that they can use in their own piece.
Children are active during this phase, engaging in drama, role-play, music and art which stimulates their imagination and creativity.
Phase Two
Phase Two is the skills builder phase. During this phase children are taught the grammar and punctuation skills required to create their piece.
Children are given opportunities to apply their skills in short pieces of writing. This gives teaching staff an opportunity to formatively assess each child's readiness for writing. Children are then targeted to support them with their written work.
Phase Three
Phase Three is when children pull together Phase One and Two to write their own piece. During this phase children are supported to compose, draft and edit their writing in an age appropriate way.
In Year One, children are supported to orally compose their writing, editing and then writing down their final sentence.
In Years Two to Year Six, children are supported to develop editing skills through editing stations. These stations allow children to focus on each aspect of their writing before moving on.