Pupil Premium

The Pupil Premium is additional funding allocated to schools in order to support looked after children and children who are entitled to free school meals. The funding is to accelerate progress and raise attainment in English and Maths.
You can read our Pupil Premium Policy, including how we monitor effectiveness.
We use pupil premium in a variety of ways to provide additional staffing, experiences and equipment to our school – both inside and outside the curriculum. As every child has different needs and interests, the intervention strategies we use focus on motivation, achievement and positive experiences. We have considered research on effective interventions conducted by the Sutton Trust which shows that some of the most effective interventions focus upon strong relationships with pupils, different types of learning, and giving feedback. We have also taken into account other areas of research, such as those which show that early years interventions and parental involvement are very valuable in accelerating progress by 3 – 6 months.
We expect the cumulative effect of all our interventions to follow our children throughout their entire school careers.
Our three year plan
We have written a three year strategy statement which details how we intend to spend the pupil premium funding.
This is reviewed on an annual cycle so that it remains a working document, adapted to reflect the needs of individuals, cohorts and the school as a whole. The new strategy statement is for the 2023-2026 period. It will be reviewed by Governors on the 11th of September and will then be published on the website. Previous reports and impact statements can be found below.
Impact Statements
In accordance with policy, we monitor the impact of Pupil Premium spending on an annual basis. We use both quantative and qualatative data to do this. We also monitor the impact of our spending at termly pupil progress meetings where individuals and the interventions they are working on are measured and adapted as necessary.
The next review is scheduled for July 2023. This will be a full review as our three-year plan comes to an end.