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School Development 2023/24

At Newby we regularly evaluate provision, looking at our strengths and weaknesses. Having collated this information into our 'School Evaluation' we then look at how to develop. These developments are always underpinned by research. We strongly believe all staff should have an understanding of 'why' before looking at 'how' or 'what' we will be developing. 

Our School Development process can be summarised under three headings. The first is 'Improvement Priorities'; generally we have three to five of these priorities which we focus on each year. They form the basis of much of our Staff meeting and professional development input. They may also form part of the appraisal objectives for staff. The second is 'Embedding Priorities' - these are often brought forwards from previous years. We believe it is important to ensure that improvements are embedded and that additional training continues where necessary. The third is 'Exploring Priorities' - these priorities outline the things leaders are 'exploring'. This work does not generally affect staff outside of the leadership team but is intended to form part of future school development. 

Our current priorities can be seen here. For more details you may wish to read our Evaluation and Development plan below. 

Improvement Priorities 2023/24

1.Improve outcomes for pupils in Writing, so that increasing numbers of children are working at ARE and GDS.

2. To further develop adaptive teaching strategies which promote inclusion for all, ensuring all pupils make good or better progress.

3.To develop pupils communication skills across the curriculum.

4. To further develop the Personal Development offer at Newby by introducing a broader range of opportunities and experiences.

5. To develop Parental Engagement strategies which further support inclusion - both pastoral and academic.

Embedding Priorities 2023/24

1. Reading and Maths continue to be taught consistently with a sharp focus on ensuring teaching addresses next steps in learning.

2. Continue to embed and improve the provision made for pupils on the SEND register - including ensuring plans are underpinned by appropriate assessments. 

3. Embed assessment processes in the Wider Curriculum - ensuring any gaps in learning are addressed.

4. Continue to monitor attendance - embed strategies used to reduce Persistent Absence. 

Exploring Priorities 2023/24

1. Explore ways to engage with the wider BD5 community - beyond the immediacy of school.

2. Explore opportunities to enhance the Wider Curriculum offer with real-life experts who can share passion and enthusiasm for future careers.

School Development 2022/23

Improvement Priorities 2022/23

1.Improve outcomes for pupils, particularly in Maths and Writing, so that increasing numbers of children are working at ARE and GDS.

2.Improve the quality of Teaching and Learning processes in the Foundation Subjects, particularly Assessment

3.To develop a clear and concise approach to Personal Development which formalises all of our current work.

4. To improve overall Attendance percentage whilst reducing the percentage of children classed as persistent absentees. 

Embedding Priorities 2022/23

1. All staff have a clear and consistent understanding of Newby Vision, Values and Practices, particularly in relation to Inclusion.

2.Newby continues to develop as a Reading community.

3. Staff have a secure understanding of the Teaching sequence and Assessment processes in Reading, Writing and Maths. 

Exploring Priorities 2022/23

1. Explore and develop a whole school strategy for vocabularly and oracy development.

2. Explore ways to further improve pupils' attitudes to learning.

3. Explore ways to measure the benefit to children, gained from wider range of opportunities and experiences outside of the core subjects. 

School Development 2021/22

Improvement Priorities 2021/22

  1. Children are highly motivated and engaged. Learning is more readily embedded in the long term, through regular retrieval practice as well as being developed through story or self-led opportunities including wider reading.
  2. Teaching approach ensures all adults check pupils understanding and adapt future teaching to address needs.
  3. All subject leaders monitor implementation and impact for their subject, supportin colleagues with pedagogical and pedagogical subject knowledge as needed.
  4. All staff have a clear and consisten understanding of Newby Vision, Values and Practices, particularly in relation to Inclusion. 

Embedding Priorities 2021/22

  1. Empower teachers to critically analyse, evaluate and develop their own teaching independently whiclst continuing to embed pedagogical strategies.
  2. Newby continues to develop as a Reading community.
  3. Staff have a secure understanding of the Teaching sequence and Assessment processes in Reading, Writing and Maths. 

Exploring Priorities 2021/22

  1. Explore how children are encouraged and supported to debate topical issues, so that they develop an ability to reflect on their own opinion and can shre it appropriately.
  2. Explore ways to measure the benefit to children, gained from the wider range of opportunities and experiences outside of the core subjects.
  3. Explore ways to further improve pupils' attitudes to learning.
  4. Using existing models of good practice, explore further opportunities and strategies which will enhance support for pupils with SEND.
  5. Using the Creating Active Schools Framework (CAS) to promot and enhance physical development to embed physical activity at the heart of the school's ethos. 

School Development 2020/21

Improvement Priorities 2020/21

  • All staff have a secure pedagogical understanding of ‘how’ to teach the full curriculum through a sustained shared thinking approach and with a focus on strategies that support explaining and modelling.
  • All staff have an excellent pedagogical and pedagogical subject knowledge in Art, Music and Science.
  • All staff work towards creating a ‘Reading Community’ which builds on developments made last year, ensuring reading is fully embedded in the wider and extended curriculum.
  • Improve Pupil attitudes to learning so that all pupils are highly committed.

Embedding Priorities 2020/21

  • Staff development in Rosenshine’s principles of instruction is fully embedded in to classroom practice.
  • Gains made in Reading practice, and the subsequent outcomes, continue to be embedded.
  • Newly developed Curriculum planning is reviewed and developed at regular intervals across the school year.
  • Newly formed Inclusion Team continue to develop practice which informs and improves both academic and non-academic (e.g. Attendance) outcomes for Pupils.

Exploring Priorities 2020/21

  • DT and Computing curriculums should be developed so that:
  1. Subject leaders have secure knowledge of the subject, enough to support other staff
  2. Curriculum progression is ambitious and achievable
  3. Subject leaders have an awareness of the technologies available to support the teaching of these subjects
  • The development of ‘Beautiful Work’ as a strategy aligned with Ron Berger’s ‘Ethic of Excellence’ will be explored and a whole school approach developed.
  • Explore and begin to develop assessment strategies for the foundation subjects.
  • Explore ways to develop the Key Stage Two Classroom environment so that they allow for more independence and self-directed learning.
  • Develop an approach to the provision for Mental Health within school.
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